PIRLS is the Progress of International Reading and Literacy Study conducted every five years and most recently, in 2021. Worldwide, there were 60 participants in PIRLS 2021, including 50 countries and 11 benchmarking participants. In Dubai, more than 7,000 students from Grade 4 (Year 5) participated in PIRLS.
Pristine Private School achieved the highest possible Advance International Benchmark outcome with a total score of 651 which is 15% higher than the average Dubai private school.
The school achieved an overall GOOD rating with an impressive 55 quality indicators rated as Very Good or Outstanding from KHDA’s Dubai School Inspection Bureau (DSIB) during their inspection in Feb 2023. Following are some of the findings of the inspection report we are proud to celebrate:
- Highest Possible Rated Quality of Wellbeing Provision and Outcomes
- Outstanding Foundations Stage
- Outstanding Personal Development of Students
- Outstanding Understanding of Islamic Values
- Outstanding Social Responsibility and Innovation Skills
- Outstanding Health and Safety
- Total 28 Quality Indicators Rated as Outstanding
- Total 55 Quality Indicators Rated as Very Good and Above
- Stable and Secure Leadership with a Long Standing Principle of 8 Years
- Very Low Student to Teacher Ratio of 12:1
The report highlighted to the following best features of the school:
- The outstanding personal and social development of students, their positive engagement with the community and their appreciation of the heritage and culture of the UAE.
- Very strong governors whose commitment to improving facilities and support of a robust leadership team contribute significantly to continued school improvement.
- The outstanding provision and outcomes in the FS, and the steadily improving standards across much of the school.
- The excellent care and support that children and students receive, the school’s highly effective inclusive education provision and very strong promotion of wellbeing.
- The school’s very effective partnership with parents.
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is an international assessment of student achievement in mathematics and science at Year 5 (Grade 4) and Year 9 (Grade 8). TIMSS 2019 which was the seventh cycle of TIMSS in which 64 countries and 8 regional entities had participated.
Pristine Private School achieved significantly higher average scores than the global TIMSS center point and at least 10% higher than the average of all participating private schools in Dubai.
The school was awarded the highest award with a DEVELOPED rating in the Distance Learning Profile Evaluated by KHDA in May 2020.
School’s strengths during Distance Learning Evaluation are stated as follows
- The attendance rate and the respectful attitudes and manners of the students during the distance learning sessions.
- Sharing of the intended learning outcomes and expectations for the learning activities with the students.
- Communication with parents.
Click to read the full report Distance Learning Evaluation Report
The school achieve an overall GOOD rating for the 8th year in a row from KHDA’s Dubai School Inspection Bureau (DSIB). Following are some of the key strengths of the inspection report:
- Children’s very strong outcomes and the stimulating learning environment in the FS.
- Students’ excellent personal and social development
- The high -level safety arrangements, including the arrangements of Child protection and safeguarding
- Students’ very good attainment in English, Mathematics and Science in the primary and secondary phases.
- The School’s provision, leading to raised outcomes in reading across the curriculum is well developed.
- The principal and senior leaders share a strong vision for the school in all aspects of students ‘education. The pursuit of excellence is at the centre of leadership.
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is carried out every three years. It aims to evaluate education systems worldwide by testing the skills and knowledge of 15-year-old students.
Pristine Private School students achieved a Level 3 proficiency level in the PISA 2018 study across all tested indicators, the school exceeded its target in Mathematics and delivered significantly higher results the average score of all participating private schools in Dubai.
Over time the school has also shown a consistent improvement in PISA scores
The school achieve an overall GOOD rating for the 7th year in a row. Following are some of the key strengths of the inspection report:
- High quality discovery curriculum in the FS enables the children’s outstanding achievements.
- Students are socially responsible and keen to contribute to a better world
- Students in all phases are confident, articulate presenters to all audiences.
- Students develop very strong interpersonal skills, appreciation and understanding of Islamic values, the culture of UAE and their own heritage.
- The school’s progress toward achieving its UAE national Agenda targets is above expectations.
- The school’s promotion of a culture of innovation is systematic
The school achieve an overall GOOD rating for the 6th year in a row. Following are some of the key strengths of the inspection report:
- High standards of students’ personal and social development
- The high quality of provision in Foundation Stage and children’s engagement and progress in their learning
- The positive levels of achievement for students in most key subjects
- Links with parents, which result in supportive and effective partnerships for students’ learning
- The Principal, Senior Leadership Team, and Governors are strongly committed to improvement.
- The welfare of students and keeping them safe and protected are a given a high priority. Attention to their social and emotional needs is of a very high standard.
PIRLS is the Progress of International Reading and Literacy Study. PIRLS 2016 was the second cycle for Dubai. Worldwide, there were 60 participants in PIRLS 2016, including 50 countries and 11 benchmarking participants. In Dubai, more than 7,000 students from Grade 4 or Year 5 participated in PIRLS, ePIRLS were given to same students that participated in the PIRLS assessment typically on the next day .
Pristine Private School students scored significantly higher than PIRLS center-point and achieved a High International Benchmark status in its overall performance for both the PIRLS and ePIRLS study
TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) is an international assessment that has been conducted in over 50 countries every four years since 1995, under the auspices of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA).
Pristine Private School was amongst the top 3 highest performing schools in the UAE, the school scored significantly higher than the TIMSS center point score and achieved an Advance International Benchmark status in the TIMSS 2015 study across all tested indicators. The school exceeded its target and delivered significantly higher results the average score of all participating private schools in Dubai and the UAE.
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is carried out every three years. It aims to evaluate education systems worldwide by testing the skills and knowledge of 15-year-old students.
Pristine Private School scored achieved a Level 3 proficiency level in the PISA 2015 study across all tested indicators, the school exceeded its target in Mathematics and delivered significantly higher results the average score of all participating private schools in Dubai.